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Male Menopasue – Myth or Reality?

Monday 20 March 2017

Male menopause is a most misunderstood concept in the modern times. While few men observe a strong erection and healthy testosterone level even in their 70s, others may observe a decline in sex drive in early 40s.
As a matter of fact, men do observe a decline in male hormones. But, this decline is not as sudden as in women but, takes a gradual path. Depending upon the stamina and lifestyle of a man, this decline may be very slow or absent in some cases and sometimes faster in few cases. There is no definite age by which a man starts to experience a drop in testosterone levels. If you need a long time to get an erection or suffer from premature ejaculation or reduced sexual arousal levels, you may be suffering from hormonal changes in your body.

more about low sperm count visit :

Read more about Male Menopause visit :


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