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Foods that Spice Up Your Sex-Life

Monday 27 March 2017

Sex life for a couple who has been two or three years into the marriage may not seem attractive unless the couple finds an innovative method to maintain that spark and chemistry between themselves. Although there are no inhibitions for the couple, everything seems to be monotonous and if the pressure to start a family builds up, the sex-life goes for a toss. This does not mean that newly married couples are having a gala time during sex. This generation of couples gains knowledge about sexual acts from the porn. This habit builds a lot of expectations and wrong notions, especially in men. So when the reality about sex-life seems to differ from what is shown, the interest in this activity is lost. This is more so when the couple does not enjoy good health or immune system. Consuming healthy food which helps maintain a good ratio of sex hormones helps every couple tide over the low sex desire issue.

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