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Ayurveda for Treating Male Infertility

Monday 6 March 2017

The science of Ayurveda offers to cure many ailments which are basically caused due to dosha or imbalances. Infertility due to impaired working of reproductive organs is a common issue in men and women. The modern day couple is prone to many illnesses due to stress, anxiety, untimely food consumption and a bad choice of food habits and lifestyle. It is a belief that Ayurveda works to bring about a balance slowly. But, there are options like Rasa Shastra, Vajeekarana Chikitsa and Rasayana Chikitsa which offer to speed up the process of herbal healing. Depending upon the severity of a condition, a concoction of metals or herbs is prescribed for treating male infertility. Let us understand each of the treatment options.
Read more  about Ayurveda for Treating Male Infertility visit :


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