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Suffering from Azoospermia? Educate yourself before undergoing ICSI

Monday 13 February 2017

ICSI means Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, which means a single sperm, is directly injected to the matured egg as part of the IVF cycle,

When a male suffers from severely low sperm count or Azoospermia then for ICSI, the sperm has to be extracted directly from the testis and to extract the sperms from the testis following methods are used

here the sperm is extracted by injecting a fine needle into the testis in anticipation to get good number of sperms

here a small tissue sample is cut / excised and taken from the testis and sperm search is done in the laboratory

3) Micro TESE
the most invasive surgery in which the testis is cut open and patch of fuller semineferous tubules are excised and taken from the testis and sperm search is done in the laboratory,

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