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Male infertility demystified: 10 factors that affect male fertility

Friday 27 March 2015

Infertility is affected in both women and men and conceiving a child remains a dream for the unfortunate many. Women may find specialists, who can help to determine the issue.

 How about men? Reports conclude that around 40-50 percent of couples having infertility issues have male factor. It is due to quantity, movement and quality of sperm. Infection, low sperm counts, erectile dysfunction along with other health issues need to be evaluated by physicians for identifying and rectifying simpler issues or detect serious problems. Family planning decisions can be affected by male factors. In case, even after six months, the couples are not able to conceive, both are to be evaluated properly.

In case, both of them have failed IVF cycles or multiple miscarriages, then issue could be perhaps male related.

 Poor embryo quality due to genetic problems might be due to implantation failure or early miscarriage. This can be due to problems found in the DNA of the egg or the sperm.

Top 10 factors affecting male fertility

  1. Does the person smoke or use smokeless tobacco: Chewing tobacco and smoking are unhealthy and harmful since they contain nicotine. It causes vasoconstriction that makes blood vessels to become smaller.
  2. Amount of alcohol consumed in a week: Having drinks over three to five a week can prove to be unhealthy, while pregnant. Also, binge drinking can be unhealthy. Female hormone Estrogen in huge amounts can be stored as fat.
  3. Is the person overweight: Production of sperm can be affected due to obesity, thereby causing hormonal imbalances and decrease of testosterone, an important male hormone required for production of sperm.
  4. Were there any injury / surgery in groin region: Varcoceles, hernias or undescended testicles are conditions, which affect sperm transportation and production.
  5. Is the person under medication for health related issues: Medications might be used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, thyroid problems, drug addiction and alcoholism. These might be harmful for sperm production.
  6. Was there any illness or fever experienced by the person in the last three months: For the egg to fertilize, the time taken is around three months. Illness or fever could affect newly sperms that are developing newly. Antibiotics might interfere in sperm production.
  7. Occupation type: It has been noticed that few jobs by nature might affect fertility potential. When exposed to toxins or chemicals regularly, DNA present in the sperm could be affected. Also prolonged sitting and jobs generating plenty of heat could cause groin region to get subjected towards high temperatures, thereby harming developing sperms.
  8. Activities, interests and hobbies: Few hobbies could include chemicals and solvents. Others like excessive exercising and bicycling can increase core temperature of body.
  9. Is there any usage of recreational drugs: Methamphetamines, cocaine, marijuana or recreational drugs are potentially dangerous and unhealthy. Using drugs can also be considered as sign of inappropriate coping and excess stress.
  10. How often hot baths and hot tubs are used: Poor sperm quality is linked with groin region facing excessive heat. Temperature needs to be kept comfortable and loose clothing allows groin region to get less heated.
Visit Khokar Speciality Clinic for Male infertility Treatment Website : 


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